E-Wallet is a new emerging payment method in Indonesia that has the fastest growth among other payment channel recently. This payment method able to receive payment for various use cases and more people getting familiar with E-Wallet payment. You can receive payment for your offline / online store using E-Wallet.
Benefits of using Verihubs E-Wallet
- Enable payments from various source of e-wallet.
- No need to connect directly to each e-wallet provider.
- Save time and effort of having to manually reconcile payments.
- You will be notified of the payment response almost instantaneously when your customer has made the payment.
Payment Limits
Payment limit depends on the user type on the e-wallet platform. Unverified users have a maximum limit of IDR 2,000,000. For Verified users, the limit is IDR 10,000,000.
Payment Activation
We need to register your company to each E-Wallet for activation. But don't worry our team will help you for the administration process. You just need to give us the required document and we will notify you when the activation is done.
Payment Flow
Each E-Wallet may have different payment flow. You need to understand the payment flow to give best experience for your customer. Hereby the payment flow for ShopeePay:
Payment Availability
E-Wallet are usually available throughout the day and payment responses are typically fast.
Payment Notifications
When using E-Wallet as a payment method, customers will need to make the payment on E-Wallet mobile application. After the payment is done, user can be redirected back to your platform.
Code Example
"ewallet": "shopee_pay",
"transaction_amount": 5000,
"expired_time": "2022-04-14T10:26:42+07:00",
"return_url": "https://instagram.com",
"description": "example test"
is the url to redirect your user after making a successful payment on e-wallet mobile application
"data": {
"transaction_id": "c4af4aa1-b251-4738-ba2c-55d78f4e13d6",
"ewallet": "shopee_pay",
"transaction_created": "2022-04-14T10:21:44+07:00",
"transaction_amount": 5000,
"transaction_fee": "83.25",
"expired_time": "2022-04-14T10:26:42+07:00",
"redirect_url": "https://wsa.uat.wallet.airpay.co.id/universal-link/wallet/pay?deep_and_deferred=1&token=dFhkbmR1bTBIamhW0VqULhun6fTSt7oHVDe3xDQPE5Z6J0q192UXSsSAgyZvrJUtrwAHCp8Xmrp7_gkJWfeTZSrl_htEHWbOLOleNyYu",
"redirect_data": null,
"return_url": "https://instagram.com",
"status": "pending",
"description": "example test"
User should be redirected to the url provided at redirect_url
parameter to jump app to the e-wallet mobile application.
"transaction_id": "c4af4aa1-b251-4738-ba2c-55d78f4e13d6",
"status": "paid"
Updated over 1 year ago