API Request & Response

The ID Verification service validate the personal identity of your user in a quick and efficient way to protect your business from potential fraud. We provide you a simple API that can be quickly tested and integrated. Please check the details below on the components of our API.




App-IDStringThis is the Application ID that you can generate in the Application Menu in Verihubs Client Dashboard.
The Client Dashboard have 2 modes, Sandbox and Production.
Using the Application ID generated in Sandbox mode will return dummy all-true response in ID Verification Service, while using the Application ID generated in Production mode will process the data with the Authoritative Partner.
API-KeyStringAPI-Key that generated in the Application Menu in Verihubs Client Dashboard that paired to a specific Application ID.


Request Parameter

nikString16 digits of Nomor Induk Kependudukan as stated on the KTP.Must be 16 exact digit.9171022512990011
nameStringFull name as stated on the KTP.Must be alphabet.John Doe
birth_dateStringBirth date in DD-MM-YYYY format as stated on the KTP.Must be in DD-MM-YYYY format.01-01-1901
reference_idStringThis reference_id can be used to indicate your company’s transaction and must be unique. If the reference_id is not inputted, then Verihubs will generate one for youN/AID_CHECK_123



HTTP CodeDescriptionResponse
200Successful Transaction; Transaction where the data inputted had been successfully verified by the Authoritative Partner and the response has been returned by Verihubs to client.{
"message": "ID Check verification has been done",
"data": {
"id": "e3c0326e-23f7-49d0-8876-71528a860a0c",
"nik": true,
"name": false,
"birth_date": true,
"reference_id": "f3c0326e-23f7-49d0-8876-71528a860a0d"
400Invalid Payload; Failed transaction due to validation errors. An error_field will appear explaining the error with following possible reason:

1. NIK number inputted is not exactly 16 digit, starts with 0, or ends with 0000.
2. Name inputted contains non-alphabet.
3. Birth date inputted is not in DD-MM-YYYY format.
"message": "Invalid payload",
"error_code": "INVALID_PAYLOAD",
"error_fields": [
"field": "nik",
"message": "nik is invalid"
401Authorization Failed; Unauthorized transaction due to Application ID and/or API-Key issue. If this error appear, please check the possible reason below:

1. Transaction performed using Sandbox Application ID but Production API-Key, vice versa.
2. Transaction performed using an API-Key that's not linked to an Application ID, vice versa. This generally occur when a company has more than 1 credential in Verihubs.
"message": "Authorization Failed",
"error_code": "UNAUTHORIZED",
"error_fields": []
403Forbidden; The transaction is in Testing mode and you have 0 (zero) remaining quota. Please contact our team to top up your quota, or go live with the ID Verification service.

This condition only applies in Testing Mode.
"message": "Insufficient testing quota",
"error_code": "FORBIDDEN",
"error_fields": []
429Too Many Request; Spam Error as the transaction is read as spam, please wait 10 seconds before re-performing the hit process with the same identity.{
"message": "Too many request in the allowed time frame",
"error_code": "TOO_MANY_REQUEST",
"error_fields": []
500Internal Server Error; The transaction failed due to an unexpected error. An message will appear explaining the error with following possible reason:

1. Access timeout in the Datasource; this means that your request has been forwarded but the server did not reply until the pre-set timeout time thus Verihubs terminate the transaction to prevent client to wait too long to get the conclusion.
2. Intermittent errors occurred in the Datasource; this means that your request has been forwarded but the server in experiencing interruptions and unable to perform checking to your data.
3. Internal server error; this means an unpredicted errors occurred in the server.
"message": "Internal Server Error",
"error_code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR",
"error_fields": []

Response Parameter

messagestringThe message of your transaction.ID Check verification has been done
data.idstringVerihubs auto generated Transaction ID. Consist of 36 digit UUID (32 digit exclude stripes).e3c0326e-23f7-49d0-8876-71528a860a0c
data.nikbooleanThe verification result of your NIK.true
data.namebooleanThe verification result of your name.true
data.birth_datebooleanThe verification result of your date of birth.true
data.reference_idbooleanClient inputted unique ID. If you did not input any, Verihubs will auto generate the ID.f3c0326e-23f7-49d0-8876-71528a860a0d

Response Case Example

VerifiedAll data inputted (NIK, Name, Date of Birth) verified.{
"message": "Identity verification has been done",
"data": {
"id": "e3c0326e-23f7-49d0-8876-71528a860a0c",
"nik": true,
"name": true,
"birth_date": true,
"reference_id": "f3c0326e-23f7-49d0-8876-71528a860a0d"
NIK Not FoundNIK inputted not found in the government database.{
"message": "Identity verification has been done",
"data": {
"id": "e3c0326e-23f7-49d0-8876-71528a860a0c",
"nik": false,
"name": null,
"birth_date": null,
"reference_id": "f3c0326e-23f7-49d0-8876-71528a860a0d"
Name Not MatchName inputted did not match the name recorded in the government database.{
"message": "Identity verification has been done",
"data": {
"id": "e3c0326e-23f7-49d0-8876-71528a860a0c",
"nik": true,
"name": false,
"birth_date": true,
"reference_id": "f3c0326e-23f7-49d0-8876-71528a860a0d"
Date of Birth Not MatchDate of Birth inputted did not match the date of birth recorded in the government database.{
"message": "Identity verification has been done",
"data": {
"id": "e3c0326e-23f7-49d0-8876-71528a860a0c",
"nik": true,
"name": true,
"birth_date": false,
"reference_id": "f3c0326e-23f7-49d0-8876-71528a860a0d"