API Request & Response
Method | Endpoint |
POST | https://api.verihubs.com/data-verification/certificate-electronic/verify |
Key | Type | Description |
App-ID | String | Application ID that generated from Application Menu in Verihubs Client Dashboard. To hit in Testing and Live mode you need a Production Application ID. |
API-Key | String | API-Key that generated from Application Menu in Verihubs Client Dashboard that related to specific Application ID. |
You can generate your Application ID and API-Key in the Application page in Verihubs Client Dashboard..
Request Parameter
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
nik | String | 16 digits of Nomor Induk Kependudukan as stated on the KTP. | 9171022512990011 |
name | String | Full name based on the KTP. | John Doe |
birth_date | String | Birth date in DD-MM-YYYY format based on the KTP. | 01-01-1901 |
String | Email address that must be unique per NIK. | john.doe@gmail.com | |
phone | String | Valid phone number, use country code but without plus (+) symbol. Must be unique per NIK. | 62812010101010101 |
selfie_photo | String | Selfie photo in base64 format, minimum size 100KB, maximum size 4MB, and minimum pixel 480px (horizontal) X 640px (vertical). Please check Selfie & ID Card Best Practice check Selfie & ID Card Best Practice for details. | Base64 |
ktp_photo | String | KTP photo in base64 format, minimum size 100KB, maximum size 2MB, minimum pixel 480px (horizontal) X 360px (vertical). Please check Selfie & ID Card Best Practice for details. | Base64 |
channel | String | This payload is currently not affecting any output due to inactivity of Electronic Certificate email notification. | VERIHUBS |
reference_id | String | This reference_id can be used to indicate your company’s transaction and must be unique. If the reference_id is not inputted, then Verihubs will generate one for you | SERTEL_123 |
HTTP Code | Description | Response |
200 | Successful Transaction; Transaction that is considered successful and has been successfully verified by the data source. | { "message": "Certificate electronic verification has been done", "data": { "id": "8e31a91c-7437-4ed1-b086-06cbe247d6e7", "status": "verified", "reject_field": [], "reference_id": "ref_certel#e87c8bc2-5d10-455b-98a0-187d60f72873" } } |
400 | Invalid Payload; Transaction that is considered failed due to validation errors, an error_field will appear explaining the error. | { "message": "Invalid payload", "error_code": "INVALID_PAYLOAD", "error_fields": [ { "field": "nik", "message": "nik length should consist of 16 digit(s)" } ] } |
401 | Authorization Failed; Transaction that unauthorized due to Application ID or API-Key issue. To hit in Testing and Live mode you need a Production Application ID and API-Key. | { "message": "Authorization Failed", "error_code": "UNAUTHORIZED", "error_fields": [] } |
403 | Forbidden; The transaction is in Testing mode and not enough remaining quota. Please contact Verihubs Customer Support. | { "message": "Insufficient testing quota", "error_code": "FORBIDDEN", "error_fields": [] } |
429 | Too Many Request; Spam Error as the transaction is read as spam, please wait a few seconds before re-performing the hit process. | { "message": "Too many request in the allowed time frame", "error_code": "TOO_MANY_REQUEST", "error_fields": [] } |
500 | Internal Server Error; The transaction failed due to a server error that could be caused by data source constraints, timeout, internal error. | { "message": "Internal Server Error", "error_code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR", "error_fields": [] } |
List of Reject Field
The reject field indicates if a parameter is returned incorrectly after being checked from the data source side.
HTTP Code | reject_field | Definition |
200 | nik | NIK not found in data source. |
200 | name | Full name used to hit is not an exact match to full name registered in data source. |
200 | birth_date | Birth date used to hit is not an exact match to birth date registered in data source. |
200 | selfie_photo | Selfie not match |
200 | phone | Phone conflict/already used to other NIK |
200 | Email conflict/already used to other NIK | |
200 | liveness_check | Liveness check false |
Detail for Success and Verified Transaction
This case occurs if all parameters get successful results from the results of checking the data source (all valid data).
Request | Response | Remarks |
{ "nik":"VALID_NIK", "name":"VALID_NAME", "birth_date":"VALID_BIRTH_DATE", "email":"VALID_EMAIL", "phone":"VALID_PHONE", "selfie_photo":"base64 format”, "ktp_photo":"base64 format”, "reference_id":”” } | { "message": "Certificate electronic verification has been done", "data": { "id": "8e31a91c-7437-4ed1-b086-06cbe247d6e7", "status": "verified", "reject_field": [], "reference_id": "ref_certel#e87c8bc2-5d10-455b-98a0-187d60f72873" } } | Success (verified) |
Detail for Success and Not Verified Transaction
This is a response that indicates there is an incorrect parameter after checking the data source. Below are also some examples of requests/responses.
Invalid NIK
Request | Response | Remarks |
{ "nik":"INVALID_NIK", "name":"VALID_NAME", "birth_date":"VALID_BIRTH_DATE", "email":"VALID_EMAIL", "phone":"VALID_PHONE", "selfie_photo":"base64 format”, "ktp_photo":"base64 format”, "channel":"VALID_CHANNEL", "reference_id":”transaction1”, } | { "message": "Certificate electronic verification has been done", "data": { "id": "22273b8b-f99c-48be-aeaf-ac5ef9402fea", "status": "not_verified", "reject_field": [ "nik" ], "reference_id": "transaction1" } } | Success (not_verified) Note: The transaction has been successfully checked against the data source and obtained some parameters with a value of 'false' which can be seen through the reject_field in the response |
Invalid Name
Request | Response | Remarks |
{ "nik":"VALID_NIK", "name":"INVALID_NAME", "birth_date":"VALID_BIRTH_DATE", "email":"VALID_EMAIL", "phone":"VALID_PHONE", "selfie_photo":"base64 format”, "ktp_photo":"base64 format”, "channel":"VALID_CHANNEL", "reference_id":””, } | { "message": "Certificate electronic verification has been done", "data": { "id": "22273b8b-f99c-48be-aeaf-ac5ef9402fea", "status": "not_verified", "reject_field": [ "name" ], "reference_id": "transaction1" } } | Success (not_verified) Note: The transaction has been successfully checked against the data source and obtained some parameters with a value of 'false' which can be seen through the reject_field in the response |
Invalid Birth Date
Request | Response | Remarks |
{ "nik":"VALID_NIK", "name":"VALID_NAME", "birth_date":"INVALID_BIRTH_DATE", "email":"VALID_EMAIL", "phone":"VALID_PHONE", "selfie_photo":"base64 format”, "ktp_photo":"base64 format”, "channel":"VALID_CHANNEL", "reference_id":””, } | { "message": "Certificate electronic verification has been done", "data": { "id": "22273b8b-f99c-48be-aeaf-ac5ef9402fea", "status": "not_verified", "reject_field": [ "birth_date" ], "reference_id": "transaction1" } } | Success (not_verified) Note: The transaction has been successfully checked against the data source and obtained some parameters with a value of 'false' which can be seen through the reject_field in the response |
Invalid Selfie Photo
Request | Response | Remarks |
{ "nik":"VALID_NIK", "name":"VALID_NAME", "birth_date":"VALID_BIRTH_DATE", "email":"VALID_EMAIL", "phone":"VALID_PHONE", "selfie_photo":"INVALID_SELFIE_PHOTO”, "ktp_photo":"base64 format”, "channel":"VALID_CHANNEL", "reference_id":””, } | { "message": "Certificate electronic verification has been done", "data": { "id": "22273b8b-f99c-48be-aeaf-ac5ef9402fea", "status": "not_verified", "reject_field": [ "selfie_photo" ], "reference_id": "transaction1" } } | Success (not_verified) Note: The transaction has been successfully checked against the data source and obtained some parameters with a value of 'false' which can be seen through the reject_field in the response |
Invalid KTP Photo
Request | Response | Remarks |
{ "nik":"VALID_NIK", "name":"VALID_NAME", "birth_date":"VALID_BIRTH_DATE", "email":"VALID_EMAIL", "phone":"VALID_PHONE", "selfie_photo":"base64 format”, "ktp_photo":"INVALID_KTP_PHOTO”, "channel":"VALID_CHANNEL", "reference_id":””, } | { "message": "Certificate electronic verification has been done", "data": { "id": "22273b8b-f99c-48be-aeaf-ac5ef9402fea", "status": "not_verified", "reject_field": [ "ktp_photo" ], "reference_id": "transaction1" } } | Success (not_verified) Note: The transaction has been successfully checked against the data source and obtained some parameters with a value of 'false' which can be seen through the reject_field in the response |
Detail for Success and Verified with Reason Transaction
This case occurs where email, phone, or both have been correlated with a certain NIK, causing the status "verified_with_reason". If this case occurs, please contact Privy's customer support directly (helpdesk@privy.id).
Conflict Email
Request | Response | Remarks |
{ "nik":"VALID_NIK", "name":"VALID_NAME", "birth_date":"VALID_BIRTH_DATE", "email":"CONFLICT_EMAIL", "phone":"VALID_PHONE", "selfie_photo":"base64 format”, "ktp_photo":"base64 format”, "reference_id":””, } | { "message": "Certificate electronic verification has been done", "data": { "id": "7c5de075-739e-46c8-9aee-487696776c76", "status": "verified_with_reason", "reject_field": [ "email" ], "reference_id": "ref_certel#dfb8b449-4d83-41e8-b2f4-0343ead765f4" } } | Success (verified_with_reason) Note: It means that the email, phone number, or both have been used by another NIK (identification number), and the user is advised to contact Privy's customer service |
Conflict Phone
Request | Response | Remarks |
{ "nik":"VALID_NIK", "name":"VALID_NAME", "birth_date":"VALID_BIRTH_DATE", "email":"VALID_EMAIL", "phone":"CONFLICT_PHONE", "selfie_photo":"base64 format”, "ktp_photo":"base64 format”, "reference_id":””, } | { "message": "Certificate electronic verification has been done", "data": { "id": "7c5de075-739e-46c8-9aee-487696776c76", "status": "verified_with_reason", "reject_field": [ "phone" ], "reference_id": "ref_certel#dfb8b449-4d83-41e8-b2f4-0343ead765f4" } } | Success (verified_with_reason) Note: It means that the email, phone number, or both have been used by another NIK (identification number), and the user is advised to contact Privy's customer service |
Conflict Email and Phone
Request | Response | Remarks |
{ "nik":"VALID_NIK", "name":"VALID_NAME", "birth_date":"VALID_BIRTH_DATE", "email":"CONFLICT_EMAIL", "phone":"CONFLICT_PHONE", "selfie_photo":"base64 format”, "ktp_photo":"base64 format”, "reference_id":””, } | { "message": "Certificate electronic verification has been done", "data": { "id": "a9b2fd4a-780e-425c-a67b-a52d5febc2c2", "status": "verified_with_reason", "reject_field": [ "phone", "email" ], "reference_id": "ref_certel#3c42fa6b-c2c9-4705-8117-cf9d08c8d2aa" } } | Success (verified_with_reason) Note: It means that the email, phone number, or both have been used by another NIK (identification number), and the user is advised to contact Privy's customer service |
Detail for Failed Transaction
Here are some examples of cases for validating the format of existing parameters. If validation fails, the transaction will receive a 400 response along with details such as:
- error_code
- error_fields
- message
NIK Digit Validation:
Request | Response | Remarks |
{ "nik":"INVALID_FORMAT_NIK", "name":"VALID_NAME", "birth_date":"VALID_BIRTH_DATE", "email":"VALID_EMAIL", "phone":"VALID_PHONE", "selfie_photo":"base64 format”, "ktp_photo":"base64 format”, "reference_id":””, } | { "message": "Invalid payload", "error_code": "INVALID_PAYLOAD", "error_fields": [ { "field": "nik", "message": "nik length should consist of 16 digit(s)" } ] } | Transaction error Note: The transaction was not processed and received a code 400 due to a validation error |
NIK Pattern Validation:
Request | Response | Remarks |
{ "nik":"INVALID_PATTERN_NIK", "name":"VALID_NAME", "birth_date":"VALID_BIRTH_DATE", "email":"VALID_EMAIL", "phone":"VALID_PHONE", "selfie_photo":"base64 format”, "ktp_photo":"base64 format”, "reference_id":””, } | { "message": "Invalid payload", "error_code": "INVALID_PAYLOAD", "error_fields": [ { "field": "nik", "message": "Invalid nik" } ] } | Transaction error Note: The transaction was not processed and received a code 400 due to a validation error. Reason: 1. NIK starts or ends with 0 (zero). 2. NIK contains more than 4 consecutive number. 3. The Date of Birth pattern in NIK does not align with the inputted NIK. |
Request | Response | Remarks |
{ "nik":"VALID_NIK", "name":"VALID_NAME", "birth_date":"INVALID_FORMAT_BIRTH_DATE", "email":"VALID_EMAIL", "phone":"VALID_PHONE", "selfie_photo":"base64 format”, "ktp_photo":"base64 format”, "reference_id":””, } | { "message": "Invalid payload", "error_code": "INVALID_PAYLOAD", "error_fields": [ { "field": "birth_date", "message": "birth_date format is incorrect, should be DD-MM-YYYY" } ] } | Transaction error Note: The transaction was not processed and received a code 400 due to a validation error |
Request | Response | Remarks |
{ "nik":"VALID_NIK", "name":"VALID_NAME", "birth_date":"VALID_BIRTH_DATE", "email":"VALID_EMAIL", "phone":"VALID_PHONE", "selfie_photo":"INVALID_FORMAT_SELFIE_PHOTO”, "ktp_photo":"base64 format”, "reference_id":””, } | { "message": "Invalid payload", "error_code": "INVALID_PAYLOAD", "error_fields": [ { "field": "selfie_photo", "message": "selfie_photo format is incorrect in body, should be in a valid base64 or URL format" } ] } | Transaction error Note: The transaction was not processed and received a code 400 due to a validation error |
Request | Response | Remarks |
{ "nik":"VALID_NIK", "name":"VALID_NAME", "birth_date":"VALID_BIRTH_DATE", "email":"VALID_EMAIL", "phone":"VALID_PHONE", "selfie_photo":"INVALID_FORMAT_SELFIE_PHOTO_NO_FACE”, "ktp_photo":"base64 format”, "reference_id":””, } | { "message": "Invalid payload", "error_code": "INVALID_PAYLOAD", "error_fields": [ { "field": "selfie_photo", "message": "No face detected in image" } ] } | Transaction error Note: The transaction was not processed and received a code 400 due to validation error |
Request | Response | Remarks |
{ "nik":"VALID_NIK", "name":"VALID_NAME", "birth_date":"VALID_BIRTH_DATE", "email":"VALID_EMAIL", "phone":"VALID_PHONE", "selfie_photo":"base64 format”, "ktp_photo":"INVALID_FORMAT_KTP_PHOTO”, "reference_id":””, } | { "message": "Invalid payload", "error_code"": "INVALID_PAYLOAD", "error_fields": [ { "field": "ktp_photo", "message": "ktp_photo format is incorrect in body, should be in a valid base64 or URL format" } ] } | Transaction error Note: The transaction was not processed and received a code 400 due to validation error |
Request | Response | Remarks |
{ "nik":"VALID_NIK", "name":"VALID_NAME", "birth_date":"VALID_BIRTH_DATE", "email":"INVALID_FORMAT_EMAIL", "phone":"VALID_PHONE", "selfie_photo":"base64 format”, "ktp_photo":"base64 format”, "reference_id":””, } | { "message": "Invalid payload", "error_code": "INVALID_PAYLOAD", "error_fields": [ { "field": "email", "message": "email must be email format" } ] } | Transaction error Note: The transaction was not processed and received a code 400 due to validation error |
Request | Response | Remarks |
{ "nik":"VALID_NIK", "name":"VALID_NAME", "birth_date":"VALID_BIRTH_DATE", "email":"VALID_EMAIL", "phone":"INVALID_FORMAT_PHONE", "selfie_photo":"base64 format”, "ktp_photo":"base64 format”, "reference_id":””, } | { "message": "Invalid payload", "error_code": "INVALID_PAYLOAD", "error_fields": [ { "field": "phone", "message": "phone must be numeric" } ] } | Transaction error Note: The transaction was not processed and received a code 400 due to validation error |
Detail for Success Transaction but Liveness Check False/Failed
Request | Response | Remarks |
{ "nik":"VALID_NIK", "name":"VALID_NAME", "birth_date":"VALID_BIRTH_DATE", "email":"VALID_EMAIL", "phone":"VALID_PHONE", "selfie_photo":"base64 format”, "ktp_photo":"base64 format”, "reference_id":””, } | { "message": "Certificate electronic verification has been done", "data": { "id": "a9b2fd4a-780e-425c-a67b-a52d5febc2c2", "status": "not_verified", "reject_field": [ "liveness_check” ], "reference_id": "ref_certel#3c42fa6b-c2c9-4705-8117-cf9d08c8d2aa" } } | Success (not_verified) Note: Failed because of liveness check, only liveness will be charged |
Updated 4 months ago