Search Page

Search Page

Welcome to the Search Page, your gateway to performing API transactions directly on our web platform. This page empowers clients to execute API transactions and receive real-time results on the searched profile. Kindly input the data based on the details below to perform your API transaction.

Search Page

Search Page

Search Page Details

No.Field NameDescription
1ApplicationDropdown list of Application ID.
2Date of BirthBirthdate of the person in dd-mm-yyyy format.
3CountryField to input the person’s country of residence.
4Full NameField to input the person’s full name. We encourage you not to use academic title on the name for better search result.
5Place of BirthField to input the person’s place of birth.
6Reference IDUnique ID to identify the transaction.
7MonitorOption to turn on monitor for the selected profile results. This monitoring feature should be under an agreement only. You cannot access the monitor if you are not subscribing to Watchlist Screening Service.
8PINField to input your pre-set PIN.
9Search Now ButtonButton to perform the transaction based on the search criteria.


Cooming Soon - Bulk Search

Perform bulk transactions with a single hit using the Bulk Search page. This feature allows you to efficiently manage and execute multiple transactions simultaneously, saving time and enhancing productivity.