Getting Started with Veriflow

Veriflow is a drag-and-drop tool for automating communication tasks, from simple auto-replies to streamline customer journeys. Here's some of the things you'll want to check out.

WhatsApp Business Account

To use Veriflow, you need to have a WABA (WhatsApp Business Account) first. Our team will guide you on how to create a WABA.

Using a WhatsApp Business Account (WABA), you would be able to send and receive messages through the Whatsapp Business API for your business processes and interactions with your users.

You can read the guide to Create a WABA here

The Flow with Inbound WhatsApp message

An inbound WhatsApp is any message that the user sends to the WABA. A user can start a the Flow by sending any messages to configured WABA. This can be done by creating a link that you can set in your landing page, media campaigns or app buttons. Once the user have navigated to the WhatsApp app and initiate chat with your WABA, the process will start.