
🎈Introduction to the Service

NPWP Verification service allows you to check the registered status of the associated NPWP based on NIK or NPWP itself in the government database source.

🎈Abbreviation & Terms

These are the commonly used abbreviation and term that related to the NPWP Verification Service.

NIKNomor Induk Kependudukan; Resident identity number that is unique or distinctive, singular and attached to a person who is registered as an Indonesian Resident.
NPWPNomor Pokok Wajib Pajak; The number given to the taxpayer as a means of tax administration which is used as a personal identification or identity of the taxpayer in exercising his rights and fulfilling his tax obligations.
WPWajib Pajak; Individuals or entities, including taxpayers, tax cutters, and tax collectors, who have tax rights and obligations in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations in the field of taxation.
Status WP AktifWajib Pajak has subjectively and objectively fulfilled the requisites in tax obligation fulfillment.
Status WP NENE = Non Efektif; Wajib Pajak has not subjectively and objectively fulfilled the requisites in tax obligation fulfillment.

This status may occur to one of following conditions:
1. Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi who carry out business activities or independent work who are no longer actually carrying out business activities or independent work.
2. Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi who do not carry out business or freelance activities and whose income is below Penghasilan Tidak Kena Pajak (PTKP).
3. Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi, as mentioned on point #2, that owning an NPWP as an administrative requirement, among other things, to apply a job position or to open a financial account.