Result & Profile Page

Result Page

This page shows the list of profiles that match your search query in certain fields. You can also download the list.

Result Page - 1/2

Result Page (1/2)

Result Page (2/2)

Result Page (2/2)

Result Page Details

No.Field NameDescription
1PhotoPhoto of the person.
2NameName of the person found based on the search string inputted.
3DescriptionShort description of the person.
4Date of BirthDate of birth of the person.
5Place of BirthPlace of birth of the person.
6Similarity0-100% scale between the query vs result similarity.
7TypeType of cases that the person is involved in.
8Match FieldsThe fields that match the search query.
9Download .PDF FilesButton to download the data on the page in .pdf format.
10View ProfilesButton that redirects to the profile view page.

Profile Page

Profile Page

Profile Page

Profile Page Details

No.Field NameDescription
1PhotoPhoto of the person.
2NameName of the person found based on the search string inputted.
3Short DescriptionShort description of the person.
4AliasAdditional name(s) that the person sometimes uses or known as.
5TypeType of cases that the person is involved in.
6Place & Date of BirthPlace & date of birth of the person that was found.
7GenderGender of the person.
8Similarity0-100% scale between the query vs result similarity.
9Detail DescriptionThe detailed description of the person based on data found.
10AddressesAddresses of the person if available.
11AliasesAliases of the person.
12NamesOther names of the person.
13AssociatesList of related individuals to the person searched.
14RolesList of roles of the person.
15OrganizationList of organizations the person participated in.
16SourceList of the data sources.
17Download .PDF FilesButton to download the data on the page in .pdf format.
N/ACrimesList of crimes the person committed. Will only be available for type: crimes.