System Messages

These messages are posted via postMessage to the parent of the SDK iframe. The best practice to classify these messages are only through subject of each message.


This message will be posted when the SDK detects an available camera with blacklisted camera name substring, specified on Builder.setVirtualCameraLabel.

  "subject": "Camera.NotAllowed",
  "data": {
    "message": "Virtual camera detected, please use device camera."


This message will be posted when the browser doesn't detect any video input.

  "subject": "Camera.NotFound",
  "data": {
    "message": "Camera not Found"


This message will be posted when the user denies a camera permission request.

  "subject": "Camera.PermissionDenied",
  "data": {
    "message": "Please allow camera permission to continue the process."


This message will be posted when there is any exception thrown internally by
the SDK.

  "subject": "Internal.${EXCEPTION_NAME}",
  "data": {
    "message": EXCEPTION_MESSAGE



  • ${EXCEPTION_NAME} is the exception name thrown internally.
  • EXCEPTION_MESSAGE is the exception message thrown internally.


This message will be posted when SDK built with wrong License ID or Public Key or without License ID or Public Key.

  "subject": "LicenseVerification.Undefined",
  "data": {
    "message": "SDK is built with wrong ${license} or without ${license}"



The ${license} is either license ID or public key.


This message will be posted when license service failed to validate license.

  "subject": "LicenseVerification.Error",
  "data": {
    "message": "License service error"


This message will be posted when license does not match with response from license service. License may already expired or wrong license type.

  "subject": "LicenseVerification.Invalid",
  "data": {
    "message": "License does not matched. License may already expired or wrong license type."


This message will be posted when license verification success.

  "subject": "LicenseVerification.Success",
  "data": {
    "message": "License verification success."


This message will be posted when the user changes the device orientation while in the process of active liveness.

  "subject": "ScreenOrientation.NotAllowed",
  "data": {
    "message": "make sure your device orientation is in ${orientation}, otherwise it will affect the result."



The ${orientation} is the orientation the active liveness expects.


This message will be posted when the user's full face is not detected after a successfull full face detection and 3 seconds after the active liveness model is loaded.

  "subject": "Verification.Disrupted",
  "data": {
    "message": "Verification has been disrupted."


This message will be posted when the whole liveness process is finished.

  "subject": "Verification.Success",
  "data": {
    "image": {
      "dimension": [WIDTH, HEIGHT],
      "size": SIZE_OF_FILE,
      "url": BARE_PNG_BASE64,
      "quality": QUALITY_COMPRESSION
    "timestamp": RESULT_TIMESTAMP



  • WIDTH and HEIGHT is the resulting image dimension.
  • SIZE_OF_FILE is the original size of the image in bytes.
  • BARE_PNG_BASE64 is the image data in base64, without prepending image uri format of data:image/png;base64,.
  • QUALITY_COMPRESSION is the compression ratio of the resulting image compared to the captured image, in the scale of 0 to 100.
  • PASSIVE_LIVENESS_RESPONSE is the resulting passive liveness response service.
  • AUTHENTICITY_SIGNATURE is the signature from Builder.setCredential input and image HMAC-SHA256. Format: ${clientId}${SHA256(${BARE_PNG_BASE64}).toString().toLowerCase()}${RESULT_TIMESTAMP}.
  • RESULT_TIMESTAMP is the timestamp of the image taken.


This message will be posted after the timeout duration from the start of verification page appearance, expires, as set by Builder.setTimeout.

  "subject": "Verification.Timeout",
  "data": {
    "message": "Verification process has been timeout."


This message will be posted when the active liveness instruction changes.

  "subject": "Verification.Verbose",
  "data": {
    "service": "liveness",
    "status": MATCHED_FRAMES,



  • CURRENT_INSTRUCTION is the new or current instruction of the active liveness, such as see_straight, look_left, look_right, or open_mouth.
  • MATCHED_FRAMES is the frame count that the face matches the current instruction. It will be reset when the face doesn't match the current instruction consecutively. Format: ${counter}/7.